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Akintolu JosephOffline

  • Ibadan Study Centre
  • Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Profile picture of Akintolu Joseph

    Akintolu Joseph

    1 year, 7 months ago

    Hello, am Akintolu Joseph, I was admitted to 100level second semester, mathematics/ computers science, after getting the matric number and other necessary information, I had a financial issue with my business, so I was unable to continue with the 100level second semester and first semester 200level, so I will like to continue with the schooling now, when I did portal registration and on see the portal it as being programmed to second semester 200level, with no exam and TMA for 100level 1st and 2nd semester and 1st semester 200 level.
    Please what is the solution and effect and how to cover up with missed semesters. Thanks

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